
The concept of social movement: analytical tool and practical implementations

Geoffrey Pleyers (FNRS-Belgian Fund for National Research)

April 9, 2019, 16h00

Room 1, CES | Alta


The concept of social movement is questioned by a multitude of analytical perspectives, from resource mobilisation theories to "resistance studies" and several intellectuals close to the epistemologies of the South (Holloway, Garza Zepeda ...).

In this presentation, I propose a definition of the concept of social movement as a specific meaning of the action, which puts it in dialogue with the perspectives centred on the cosmovisions and the actors as producers of knowledges. This definition also leads to the classic dichotomies between individual and collective, public or private, political or cultural.

Bio note

Geoffrey Pleyers, FNRS-Belgian Fund for National Research


Activity under the Doctoral Programme «Post-Colonialisms and Global Citizenship» and the research programme Alice- Epistemologies of the South