ECOSOL - Economia Solidária


Solidarity economy between concepts and practices

May 17, 2019, 14h00

Room 2, CES | Alta


Workshop organised under the Marie Sklodowska Curie IF NOW project and the ECOSOL group. The objective is to present some concrete experiences of solidarity economy in Portugal and Spain from different perspectives, highlighting the connections with local communities, social movements, elements of feminist economics, environmental issues and also a methodological attention, particularly focused on ethnography.

Programme (provisional)

Michela Giovannini (CES): Organizations of the solidarity economy between political and economic mobilization: an investigation in Barcelona

Ana Luisa Martinho (Centre for Organisational and Social Studies Porto Polytechnic): Coopernico: a cooperative experience for renewable energy

Jesús Sanz Abad (Universidad Complutense de Madrid) - Practices of solidarity economy and ethnography

Daniela Osorio (University of the Republic - Uruguay)

Comments: Luciane Lucas dos Santos (CES) - Solidarity and feminist economy