Seminar | HEALTH: Critical Studies and New Activisms

Art(s) and Alternatives in Health: from training to practice

July 25, 2022, 15h00

Online event


Under the Series HEALTH: Critical Studies and New Activisms, this seminar includes the papers Health with Art: Artistic Practices and Therapies by Raquel Siqueira (Federal University of Southern Bahia - UFSB) and Feeling and thinking about health training: hoping for alternatives in the encounter with arts by Maria Beatriz do Carmo (Professor of the Institute of Humanities, Arts and Sciences, Federal University of Bahia) | Moderator: Susana de Noronha and Tiago Pires Marques (CES)


This activity will be accessible through the Zoom platform, without compulsory registration but limited to the number of available places  >> ID: 893 7377 8387 | Password: 812349

We appreciate that all participants keep their microphone on mute until the momnet of debate. The session's host reserves the right to expel participants that do not respect the rules of the room.

Open access online activities such as this one do not confer a declaration of participation since such document will only be granted in events that provide for prior registration and controled access.