Felipe Queiroz


Felipe Queiroz has a degree in Economics from Centro Universitário das Faculdades Metropolitanas Unidas (2012), a Master's degree in Social Sciences from Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo (2016) and a PhD in Political Science from Universidade Estadual de Campinas (2022). He is currently a PhD candidate in Political Economy at the University of Coimbra. He is a researcher linked to the research group Neoliberalism and class relations in Brazil (CNPq), specializing in relations between the State and the different fractions of the business community in the definition of public policies. He has experience in Political Science, working mainly on the following subjects: political and economic crises, economic policy and the Brazilian economy. He is chief economist at the São Paulo Supermarket Association (APAS).

Latest Publications

Book Chapter

Ávila, Andrea; Queiroz, Felipe (2023), COMUM E REVOLUÇÃO: UMA LEITURA CRÍTICA DOS TRABALHOS DE HARDT E NEGRI E DARDOT E LAVAL, in Caroline Vieira Ruschel; Geraldo Milioli (org.), O comum e os comuns: teoria e prática para um bem viver planetário. Ediunesc, 168-197

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Book Chapter

Braga, Felipe de Queiroz (2022), CLASSES E LUTA DE CLASSES: REFLEXÃO CRÍTICA SOBRE AS CLASSES SOCIAIS NAS OBRAS DE NICOS POULANTZAS E ERIK OLIN WRIGHT, in Elói Martins Senhoras (org.), Ciência política: Debates temáticos 2. Atena Editora, 49-63

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Book Chapter

Queiroz, Felipe (2021), A burguesia industrial na crise do governo Dilma, in André Flores Penha Valle; Pedro Felipe Narciso (org.), A BURGUESIA BRASILEIRA EM AÇÃO: de Lula a Bolsonaro. Florianópolis, Brasil: Enunciado Publicações, 193-233

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