Scientific Events

Presentations in scientific events

São Marcos, Rita (2021), "Involvement and participation of small-scale fishers' organizations in the Azorean Islands", paper presented at Mare Conference 2021 People and the Sea XI: Limits to Blue Growth?, Online, 28 June 02 July.

Neilson, Alison; São Marcos, Rita (2020), "Azorean fishers and policy decisions", paper presented at International Seminar on Environment & Society, Current Challenges and pathways to change, Lisbon, Portugal, 02 to 04 March.

São Marcos, Rita (2019), "'The force of the better argument?' Azorean small-scale fishers' agency and participation in advisory councils", paper presented at Mare Conference 2019: People & the Sea X: learning from the past, imagining the future, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands, 24 to 28 June.

Neilson, Alison; São Marcos, Rita; Inocêncio, Andrea (2017), "Not a keynote: Flying without a parachute, Opening keynote lecture", paper presented at Encontro Cultura/Natura 2017, Porto, Escola Superior Artística do Porto, Portugal, 29 to 30 September.

Neilson, Alison; São Marcos, Rita; Inocêncio, Andrea (2017), "Not a conference proceedings: Escaping the straightjacket", paper presented at Encontro Cultura/Natura 2017, Porto, Escola Superior Artística do Porto, Portugal, 29 to 30 September.

Neilson, Alison; São Marcos, Rita; Fraga, Ana Rita (2017), "A recipe for 'a fine kettle of fish': Governance without social science", paper presented at MARE Conference 2017 , University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 04 to 07 July.

São Marcos, Rita (2017), "Winds from the south: Relational ontologies and hybridity in marine resource management", paper presented at MARE Conference 2017: People & the Sea IX: Dealing with Maritime Mobilities, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 04 to 07 July.