Joaquim Veríssimo


Joaquim Veríssimo is a Scientific Information Manager at the CES Publications Support Office (Gabinete de Apoio às Publicações - GAP) since 2015. From its first edition in 2016, he has been a member of the Organizing Committee for the Annual Training Series "Publish-do-not-Perish: Survive the Stampede", which offers Advanced Training Workshops for PhD and post-PhD researchers. He has a degree in Philosophy with specialization in Library Sciences and a Master in Information, Communication and New Media awarded by the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Coimbra. He taught Philosophy at a secondary level. Joaquim Veríssimo worked as a librarian and research assistant of Science and Technology Management in library and documentation projects. His professional interests focus on issues of Open Access policies, institutional repositories, academic databases and bibliometrics.