Articles in Scientific Journals

Bakas, Fiona; Duxbury, Nancy (2019), ""Development of rural areas and small cities through creative tourism: The CREATOUR project"", Anais Brasileiros de Estudos Turísticos (ABET), 8, 3, in press
Open Access

Bakas, Fiona; Duxbury, Nancy; Remoaldo, Paula; Matos, Olga (2019), "Social utility of small-scale art festivals with creative tourism in Portugal", International Journal of Event and Festival Management
Open Access

Duxbury, Nancy; Bakas, Fiona Eva; Pato de Carvalho, Cláudia (2019), "Why is research-practice collaboration so challenging to achieve? A creative tourism experiment", Tourism Geographies, 1-26
DOI Open Access

Bakas, Fiona Eva; Duxbury, Nancy; Vinagre de Castro, Tiago (2018), "Creative tourism: Catalysing artisan entrepreneur networks in rural Portugal.", nternational Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour and Research, 24
DOI Open Access

Bakas, Fiona Eva (2018), "The Political Economy of Tourism: Children's Neglected Role", Tourism Analysis, 23, 2, 215-225

Bakas, Fiona Eva; Costa, Carlos; Breda, Zélia; Durão, Marília (2018), "A Critical Approach to the Gender Wage Gap in Tourism Labor", Tourism Culture & Communication, 18, 1, 35-49

Bakas, Fiona; Costa, C.,Breda, Z., Durão, M., Carvalho, I and Caçador, S. (2017), "'Gender, flexibility and the 'ideal tourism worker''.", Annals of Tourism Research, 64, 64-75

Bakas, Fiona (2017), "'Community resilience through entrepreneurship: The role of gender'", Journal of Enterprising Communities: People and Places in the Global Economy, 11, 1, 61-77

Bakas, Fiona; Costa, C., Breda, Z., Durão, M (2017), "'Emotional' female managers': How gendered roles influences tourism management discourse'", Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, Special Issue: A critical lens on hospitality and tourism work., 33, 149-156

Bakas, Fiona (2017), "''A beautiful mess': Reciprocity and positionality in gender and tourism research.'", Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, Special Issue: A critical lens on hospitality and tourism work., 33, 126-133

Bakas, Fiona; Costa, C., Breda, Z., Durão, M., Pinho, I. (2016), "Through the gender looking-glass: Brazilian tourism entrepreneurs'", International Journal of Gender and Entrepreneurship, 8, 3, 282-306.

Bakas, Fiona; Costa, C., Breda, Z., Pinho, I. & Durão, M. (2016), "Performing a Thematic Analysis: An Exploratory Study about Managers' Perceptions on Gender Equality.", The Qualitative Report, 21, 13, 34-47

Bakas, Fiona; Costa, C., Breda, Z.., Durao, M., Pinho, I. (2015), "Profiling the Contemporary Brazilian Tourism Entrepreneur: A Gender Analysis.'", Journal of Women's Entrepreneurship and Education, 3, 4, 1-27

Bakas, Fiona; Costa, C., Breda, Z., Durao, M. (2015), "Gender equality measures in tourism: Organisational awareness and strategies'", Revista Turismo & Desenvolvimento, 23, 91-103

Bakas, Fiona (2015), "'The importance of investigating the role of gender in tourism's resilience to an economic crisis'", Revista Turismo & Desenvolvimento, 23, 21-35

Bakas, Fiona; Costa, C., Breda, Z., Durao, M., Carvalho, I., (2015), "'Walking on broken glass': the changing nature of gendered constraints to career development and performance.'", Revista Turismo & Desenvolvimento. Special issue on Gender and Tourism,, 23, 09-19