Book Chapters

Silva, Patrícia (2024), Brazilian Modernists and the Avant-Garde: Transcultural Modernism in the Postcolonial Periphery, in Katia Pizzi, Roberta Gefter Wondrich (org.), Rethinking Peripheral Modernisms. UK: Palgrave Macmillan, 141-162

Silva, Patrícia (2023), A Measure of Dignity? Age & the Abject Body in Clarice Lispector's Short Fiction, in João Paulo Guimarães (org.), Aging Experiments Futures and Fantasies of Old Age. Bielefeld, Germany: transcript, 141-154

Silva, Patrícia (2021), "Práticas de comunicação científica intercultural na capacitação de doutorandos para a academia internacional", in Paula Sequeiros, Maria José Carvalho, Graça Capinha (org.), A Investigação e a escrita: Publicar sem Perecer. Coimbra: Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra, 249-267

Silva, Patrícia (2020), Intertextualidades Transmediais Expressionistas em Ensaio Sobre a Cegueira e Blindness, de Fernando Meirelles, in Carlos Reis (org.), Congresso Internacional José Saramago: 20 Anos com o Prémio Nobel. Coimbra: Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra

Silva, Patrícia; Abreu, Mirhiane Mendes de (2018), A vanguarda iconoclasta em Portugal Futurista e Klaxon, in Ricardo Marques (org.), Portugal Futurista e o Futurismo. Lisboa: Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal, 51-60

Silva, Patrícia (2018), Fernando Pessoa's 'The Mad Fiddler': Sensationism in English, in Patricio Ferrari (org.), Inside the Mask: The English Poetry of Fernando Pessoa. Providence, RI: Gávea-Brown, 96-111

Silva McNeill, Patricia (2015), Orpheu e Blast: Interseções do Modernismo Português e Inglês, in Steffen Dix (org.), 1915 - O Ano do Orpheu. Lisboa: Tinta da China, 167-183

Silva McNeill, Patricia (2015), "The Last City of the Future": Perspectives on Brasília in Literature and Film, in Ricarda Vidal e Ingo Cornils (org.), Alternative Worlds: Blue-sky Thinking Since 1900. Oxford: Peter Lang, 107-128

Silva McNeill, Patricia (2014), Echoes of Albion: The Reception of Darwin by Eça de Queiroz, in Elinor Shaffer e Thomas Glick (org.), The Reception of Charles Darwin in Europe: Literary and Cultural Reception. London: Bloomsbury, 553-579

Silva McNeill, Patricia (2013), '"The Alchemical Path": Esoteric Influence in the Works of Fernando Pessoa and W. B. Yeats', in Mariana Gray de Castro (org.), Fernando Pessoa's Modernity without Frontiers: Influences, Dialogues, Responses. Woodbridge: Tamesis, 157-168

Silva McNeill, Patricia (2004), 'Self-Representation in the Poetry of W. B. Yeats and Fernando Pessoa', in Neal Alexander, Shane Murphy & Anne Oakman (org.), To the Other Shore: Crosscurrents in Irish and Scottish Studies. Belfast: Queen's University Belfast / AHRB, 111-119

Silva McNeill, Patricia (2003), 'Constructing Identity: An Analysis of the Autobiographical Writings of W. B. Yeats and Fernando Pessoa', in Fionnuala Dillane, Ronan Kelly (org.), New Voices in Irish Criticism. Dublin: Four Courts Press, 183-190

Silva McNeill, Patricia (2003), 'Heimlich and Unheimlich: Landscape in the Post-Symbolist Poems of W. B. Yeats and Fernando Pessoa', in José F. F. Sánchez, Mª Elena Jaime de Pablos (org.), Irish Landscapes