
2019 - Catastrophe scenarios - how to help professionals to overcome extreme experiences - poster apresentado em 16th ESTSS Conference, em Roterdão, from the author Becker, Joana; Figueiredo-Braga, Margarida; Andringa, Diana; Sales, Luísa..

2019 - Media Coverage and the Risk of Trauma: The 2017 Forest Fires in Portugal - posterapresentado em 16th ESTSS Conference, em Roterdão, from the author Borges, Teresa;Becker, Joana; Andringa, Diana; Sales, Luísa..

2019 - The scars of War: the past and the present of war - poster apresentado em 16th ESTSS Conference, em Roterdão, from the author Becker, Joana; Borges, Teresa; Sales,Luísa; Maia, Ângela..