Madalena Duarte
Madalena Duarte is a Sociologist and a researcher at the Centre for Social Studies of the University of Coimbra, Portugal, and a member of the Permanent Observatory on Portuguese Justice where she has been part of the team in several research projects. She has a PHD in Sociology by the School of Economics of the University of Coimbra concerning the role of law on violence against women. Her areas of interest include violence against women, human trafficking, sexual and reproductive health, domestic violence, social movements and sociology of law. She has several articles published and participations in national and international conferences concerning these issues. She's doing a Post-Doctoral Research about "Murder in intimate relationships: a sociolegal perspective"
19, 24, 26 September | 1 October | 2024, 8:30am (GMT+1)
Sexual Violence in Portuguese Mediascape
Data collection and research services on fundamental rights issues
Latest Publications
Duarte, Madalena (2023), O Papel do Direito e dos Tribunais na Violência Contra as Mulheres. Afrontamento
Article in Scientific journal
Duarte, Madalena; Beleza, Teresa Pizarro (2022), "Desafios feministas ao Direito: resistências e possibilidades", ex aequo, 45, 9-13
Read moreArticle in Scientific journal
Duarte, Madalena (2022), "Uma boa mulher é difícil de encontrar? Reflexões sobre a "vítima ideal" no direito penal", Revista ex aequo, 45, 31-43