Scientific Events

Presentations in scientific events

Ares, Graziela; Grinspum, Denise (2023), ""IN MEMORIAM 1956. OKTÓBER 25.": THE MUSEUM AS AN INSTRUMENT TO FORGET IN BUDAPEST", paper presented at 47th Annual ANPOCS Meeting, online, 18 to 20 October.

Ares, Graziela (2023), "Freedom's Fury: violence, politics and sport", paper presented at XII Portuguese Congress of Sociology, Faculdade de Economia da Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal, 04 to 06 April.

Ares, Graziela (2023), "Acting Democracy: the Hungarian illiberal democracy since 2010", paper presented at XII Portuguese Congress of Sociology, Faculdade de Economia da Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal, 04 to 06 April.

Ares, Graziela (2022), "Is the "Letter and Spirit" of Law the Right Battle to Fight in Corporate Taxation?", paper presented at 2022 Global Meeting on Law & Society, ISCTE - University Institute of Lisbon, 13 to 16 July.

Ares, Graziela; Eröss, Agnes; Oksman, Silvio; Serem, Ruben; Vecchioli, Virginia (2022), "Roundtable: The Challenge of Collective Memory in Twenty-first Century Europe and Latin America: The Legal and Social Battle for the Past", paper presented at 2022 Global Meeting on Law & Society, ISCTE - University Institute of Lisbon, 13 to 16 July.

Ares, Graziela (2022), "Monuments, Spreadsheets and Origami", paper presented at 11th Ibero-American Congress on Qualitative Research, La Coruña, Spain, 12 to 15 July.

Ares, Graziela; Villen, Gabriela; Gitahy, Leda (2021), "Memória e Desinformação: os ataques da extrema direita às universidades públicas brasileira", paper presented at Neofascismos e direitas radicais do pós-Guerra ao século XX, Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto, Portugal, 22 to 23 October.

Ares, Graziela (2021), "Lipótváros: um campo de batalha pela Memória e História no coração de Budapeste", paper presented at Neofascismos e direitas radicais do pós-Guerra ao século XXI, Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto, Portugal, 22 to 23 October.

Ares, Graziela (2021), "Eclipse de memórias e extrema-direita: as intervenções no bairro Lipótváros em Budapeste, Hungria", paper presented at 45º Encontro Anual da ANPOCS - Associação Nacional de Pós-Graduação e Pesquisa em Ciências Sociais, Brasil - plataforma virtual, 19 to 27 October.

Ares, Graziela (2021), "The violences of language and the rights of language minorities in India", paper presented at 6th Coimbra International Conference on Human Rights: a transdisciplinary approach, Coimbra, 12 to 14 October.

Ares, Graziela (2021), "The Internationalisation of the Firm: An Analysis of a Brazilian Eucalyptus Pulp Exporter in 2018 Based on Uppsala and Bartlett & Ghoshal Models", paper presented at Sixteenth International Conference on Interdisciplinary Social Sciences, Oxford Brookes University, United Kingdom, 20 to 23 July.

Ares, Graziela (2021), "The Violence of Languages in India: Is an Indian Minor Literature in English Possible?", paper presented at Nineteenth International Conference on New Directions in the Humanities, Complutense University of Madrid, Spain, 29 June 02 July.

Ares, Graziela (2021), "Theatre and Cities : Different Perspectives and Subjectivism", paper presented at Sixteenth International Conference on the Arts in Society, The University of Western Australia, School of Design Perth, Australia, 15 to 18 June.

Gitahy, Leda; Villen, Gabriela; Ares, Graziela (2020), "Science, Politics, and the Pandemic", paper presented at VI Congresso da Associação Latino-americana de Antropologia Social (ALA), Montevideo, Uruguay (on-line), 23 to 28 November.