
What happened to pacifism?

Manuel Dios Diz

Xoán Hermida

January 24, 2023, 18h00

Room 2, CES | Alta


The war in Ukraine - with all the associated destruction of lives - does not seem to be eliciting a strong mobilisation of the peace movement on an international scale. It is important to understand why. And to question the paths taken by the international peace movement, the main crossroads it faces and the challenge all this poses to Peace Studies and Peace Education.

During the seminar, the book " Adeus ás Armas. Qué foi do pacifismo?" [Farewell to Arms. Whatever happened to pacifism?] (Galician edition, coordinated by Manuel Dios Diz).

Bio notes
Xoán Hermida
is a historian and holds a PhD in Public Management. Social activist, he has been member of the Confederal Council of CXTG, founder and director of the NGO Amarante Setem and member of the Board of the Galician Social Forum. Currently he directs the Forum OBenComún. Political analyst, he collaborates in different media. He maintains a regular collaboration with InfoLibre. Author, among other works, of “[Re]construír a esquerda nacional” [Re]building the national left (OBenComún, 2013), “Galicia no labirinto da nova política” Galicia in the labyrinth of new politics] (Galaxia, 2018) and "La salida de la encrucillada [The way out of the crisis]. (OBenComún, 2021).
Manuel Dios Diz is a retired secondary school teacher. He is founder and was president of the Seminario Galego de Educación para la Paz (1985). He has been a member of the International Consultative Committee of the Hague Appeal for Peace, Teachers for Peace, the international network Trascend, the AIPAZ Association, as well as Vice President and then Director of the Culture of Peace Foundation and the International Secretariat of the World Education Forum (WEF). He has been awarded the Prize for the promotion of tolerance (Education and University Order Council of the Xunta de Galicia) and the Prize "Hagamos las paces" (International Institute for Peace of the Generalitat of Catalonia). He is vice-president of the UNESCO Chair for the Culture of Peace and Human Rights at the University of Santiago de Compostela.

Activity within the doctoral programme International Politics and Conflict Resolution (FEUC/CES)