
Atuais interesses de investigação

Constructions of Otherness-as-monstrosity in contemporary societies

Constructions of race and gender in colonialisms and postcolonial situations

Fears of disaster and white fantasies in the Anthropocene

Intersectional iconographies of race in media and visual products

Projetos de investigação

2024-01-01 - 2026-12-31 - "PROTEMO Emotional dynamics of protective policies in an age of insecurity (GA 101132433)", coordenado por Cristiano Gianolla, financiado por EUROPEAN COMMISSION - HORIZON EUROPE SCHEME.

2023-09-28 - 2027-09-27 - "CA22135 - Data Matters: Sociotechnical Challenges of European Migration and Border Control (DATAMIG) / as a member of the Management Committee for Portugal", coordenado por Aristotle (Aristotelis) Tympas , financiado por European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST).

2022-01-15 - 2025-01-14 - "UrbanoScenes. Imaginários pós-coloniais de urbanização em investigação prospectiva. Portugal e Angola", coordenado por Simone Tulumello (ICS), financiado por FCT (como consultora).

2021-03-22 - 2024-03-21 - "UNPOP. Desmontar o Populismo: Comparando a formação de narrativas da emoção e os seus efeitos no comportamento político", coordenado por Cristiano Gianolla (CES), financiado por FCT (como colaboradora).

2020-09-09 - 2024-09-09 - "CA19129 - Decolonising Development: Research, Teaching and Practice / as a Managment Committee member for PT", coordenado por Aram Ziai, Julia Schönenberg - Kassel University, DE, financiado por European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST).

2019 - 2020 - "R&R.PASPRES Racism and Radicalization. Past and Present ", coordenado por Paola Persano (Associate professor at SPOCRI/Dipartimento di Scienze politiche, della comunicazione e delle relazioni internazionali, UNIMC, financiado por University of Macerata.

2018-07-15 - 2021-07-14 - "(De)OTHERING: Deconstructing Risk and Otherness: hegemonic scripts and counter-narratives on migrants/refugees and 'internal Others' in Portuguese and European mediascapes", na qualidade de investigador responsável, financiado por FCT.
    Parceiros Projeto:
              - Silvia Roque (coPI)

2013-10 - 2018 - "[Co-founder] InteRGRace (Interdisciplinary Research Greoup on Race and Racisms)", na qualidade de investigador responsável, financiado por FISPPA, University of Padova.
    Parceiros Projeto:
              - Vincenza Perilli
              - Tatiana Petrovich Njegosh
              - Annalisa Frisina
              - Daniele Salerno
              - Elisa AG Arfini
              - Alessandro Pes
              - Alessio Surian
              - Valeria Deplano

2010 - 2012 - "[Research associate] Collaborative project Mig@net (", coordenado por prof. Sandro Mezzadra (Bologna unit), University of Bologna, financiado por EU commission, 7th Frame program (2010-2012). Project Funding: € 1.397.240. .

2008 - 2011 - "[Research associate] Collaborative project GeMIC (", coordenado por prof. Sandro Mezzadra (Bologna unit), University of Bologna, financiado por EU commission, 7th Frame program 2008-2011. Project Funding: € 1.019.250 .

2007 - 2010 - "[Research associate] Collaborative project ATACD (", coordenado por prof. Sandro Mezzadra (Bologna unit), University of Bologna, financiado por EU commission, 6th Frame program (2007-2010). Project Funding: € 643.797 (GBP: 549.386).

2006 - 2018 - "[Research associate] Interuniversity European project Nordic colonialism (2004-ongoing) - at Roskilde University, Unity coordinated by Prof Lars Jensen. [ s/the-nordic-colonial-mind(6acb1223-d5aa-4de0-a0f3-bfef2e879f34).html]", coordenado por Lars Jensen, financiado por Nordic Council NOS-HS (

2005 - 2008 - "[Research assistant] Colonialism, Postcolonialism and Political Theory", coordenado por prof. Sandro Mezzadra (Unversity of Bologna), financiado por Italian Ministry of Education (MIUR) through the University of Bologna (ex 60%).

2005 - 2007 - "[Research assistant] Italian feminisms", coordenado por profs. Nirmal Puwar (Goldsmiths University, UK) and Jackie M. Andall (formerly from University of Bath, UK) - members of the editorial collectve of Feminist Review (UK), financiado por Feminist Review (UK).

2005 - 2007 - "[Researcher] Women, citizenship and political participation in Italy ", coordenado por profs. Alisa del Re and Laura Balbo (University of Padova), financiado por University of Padova.

2005 - 2006 - "[Research assistant] 'Security policies and Gender governance in the Italian cities of Modena and Bologna'.", coordenado por profs. Tamar Pitch (University of Perugia, Italy) and Massimo Pavarini (University of Bologna) , financiado por Italian Ministry of Education (MIUR).

2002 - 2003 - "[Research assistant] History and present uses of the political concept of 'Western civilization'", coordenado por prof. Tiziano Bonazzi (former head of the Dept. Politica Istituzioni Storia now 'Political studies' at the University of Bologna), financiado por (ex) Faculty of Political Sciences, University of Bologna.

2001 - 2002 - "[Research assistant] Laboratorio di analisi politica", coordenado por prof. Carlo Galli (University of Bologna), financiado por Istituto Gramsci of Emilia-Romagna, Bologna (IGER) .


COST ACTION (CA19129) - Decolonising Development: Research, Teaching and Practice (2020-2024)

COST ACTION CA22135 - DATAMIG: Data Matters: Sociotechnical Challenges of European Migration and Border Control (2023-2027)

STS Mig Tec (independent network of scholars at the intersection of science and technology studies)