Atividades anteriores e situação atual em termos científicos e profissionais

2022-10-15 a 2023-05-1 - Visiting fellowship to spend three months (15.10.2022-1.12.2022/15.3.2023-1.5.2023) at Venice University, Ca' Foscari, Department of Philosophy and Cultural Heritage and teach three Master classes on "Media, Migrations, and Representations" to students from different academic career (Environmental Humanities, Anthropology; Social Service).

2022-01-16 - Member of the committee (as thesis co-supervisor) for the Master final examination of the candidate Gundham Onorati. MA's name: MA in Philosophy. Supervised by prof. Mariano Croce and dr. Gaia Giuliani; thesis title:"Il Mostro è/e l'Altro"; University of Rome "La Sapienza"; Faculty of Literature and Philosophy, Philosophy Department.

2020-12-11 - Member of the committee for the Master final examination of the candidate Sofia Alexandra Pereira Moreira. MA's name: "Mestrado em Relações Internacionais na especialidade de Estudos da Paz, Segurança e Desenvolvimento", orientada pela Professora Doutora Sofia José Santos e apresentada à Faculdade de Economia da Universidade de Coimbra. Title of the thesis: "O IMPACTO DAS NARRATIVAS MEDIÁTICAS NA SECURITIZAÇÃO DAS PESSOAS REFUGIADAS" Committee composed by Gaia Giuliani Sofia José Santos (UC) Bernardo Teles Fazendeiro (UC)

2019-11-29 - Member of the committee for the PhD final examination of the Candidate Cecilia Nessi - PhD name: URBEUR-QUASI, CITTA' E SOCIETÀ DELL'INFORMAZIONE - COTUTELA - 30° CICLO, UNIVERSITY OF MILAN "BICOCCA". Degree appointed by Rector Decree n.83635/18 of 07/11/2018. Title of Thesis:EXISTING IN/DIFFERENCE: LESBIAN CO-FORMATIONS in URBAN ENCOUNTERS Committee's components: The Committee consists of the following members Prof.ssa Prof. Sveva Maria MAGARAGGIA University of Milano-Bicocca Prof. Marco MARTINIELLO University of Liege Prof.Fabio QUASSOLI University of Milano-Bicocca Prof. Sarah BRACKE University of Amsterdam Prof. Gaia GIULIANI CES-University of Coimbra Prof.ssa Elsa MESCOLI University of Liege

2019-11-04 - Member of the committee for the Master final examination of the candidate Daniela Sousa Medeiros. MA's name: Literaturas e Culturas Modernas, Estudos Ingleses e Norte-Americanos, UNIVERSITY NOVA LISBOA. Title of the thesis: ""This is an acknowledgement that we are acting, for what else can we do in such a setup?": Margaret Atwood's The Handmaid's Tale in light of Goffman's Dramaturgy" Committee composed by Gaia Giuliani Iolanda Ramos (Nova) Rogério Puga (Nova)

2018-05 a 2018-07 - Visiting fellowship to organise three public events at the Birkbeck Institute for Humanities, University of London (UK).

2018-01 a 2018-02 - Honorary visiting scholar at the Dept. of History, Fordham University New York (USA).

2017-12-22 - Member of the committee for the MA final examination of the candidate Gaetano Belvedere at IADE, Lisboa, Titulo da tese: Progettazione di un teatro totale: Orlando tra le stelle. Orientador: Doutor Eduardo Corte-Real.

2017-05 a 2017-07 - Honorary visiting scholar at the Dept. Sociology - University of Cambridge (UK).

2017-02 a 2017-04 - Honorary visiting scholar at the Dept. FISPPA - University of Padova (Italy).

2016 a on - Member of the International Editorial Board of the Italian academic journal "Studi Culturali".

2014-04 a 2014-12 - Honorary visiting scholar at the Dept. Sociology, Goldsmith College, University of London

2013-10-01 a on - Co-founder of the Interdisciplinary/Intersectional Research Group on Race and Racisms - InteRGRace (based at the University of Padova):

2013-10 a 2013-12 - Honorary visiting scholar at the Centre for Ethnicity and racism studies (CERS), University of Leeds (UK)

2013 a 2017 - Member of the International Advisory Board of the Australian academic journal "Settler Colonial Studies".

2013 a 2015 - Secretary of the Editors of the journal "Studi culturali"

2008 a 2010 - Associate visiting scholar at the FASS, University of Technology Sydney

2007 a 2008 - Honorary visiting scholar at the Transforming Cultures Research Center, University of Technology Sydney

2006 a 2013 - Member of the secretarial editing team of the 'A' ranked (Anvur) Italian academic journal of Cultural Studies, "Studi culturali"

2006 a 2009 - Collaborations/publications in the Italian newspaper Liberazione (as author of a series of articles on gender issues)

2001 a on - Book reviewer for the following academic journals: "Journalism, media and Cultural Studies Journal" (Jomec, Cardiff University, UK), "Feminist Review" (UK), "Borderlands ejournal" (AUS),"Journal of Postcolonial Network" (UK), "Studi Culturali", "Il pensiero politico", "Ricerche di storia politica", "Nuova informazione bibliografica", "Noema".

Outras atividades

2017-04-01 - Co-founding member of ITM (Inter-Thematic group on Migrations) at CES - Univeristy of Coimbra (Portugal).

2016-09-01 - Academic membership: SISSCO (Società Italiana per lo Studio della Storia Contemporanea) (Italy)

2014-03-01 - Academic membership: CSC (Centro Interuniversitario di Storia Culturale) University of Padova (Italy),

2013-09-01 - Co-founding member: InteRGRace (Interdisciplinary/Intersectional Research Group on Race and Racisms) - is an Academic research group hosted at the Dept. of FISSPA, University of Padua, Italy. It intends to produce, exchange and promote at a domestic and international level the scholarly findings achieved through an interdisciplinary, intersectional, and transnational approach to race and racisms.

2012-04-01 - Member of the network: White Space Network (advisory board) University of Leeds (UK),

2010-06-01 - Endeavour Research Alumni - Australia

2009-09-01 - Academic membership: CIRSPG (Centro Interdipartimentale di Ricerca. Studi Sulle Politiche di Genere) University of Padova,

2009 a 2010 - Academic membership: ACRAWSA (Australian Critical Race and Whiteness Studies Association).

2009 a 2010 - Academic membership: AISDP (Associazione Italiana degli Storici delle Dottrine Politiche). (Italy)

2009 a 2010 - Academic membership: EASA (European Association for Studies of Australia)

2006 - Research associate to the interuniversity European project Nordic colonialism (2004-ongoing) - funded by the Nordic Council NOS-HS ( at Roskilde University, Unity coordinated by Prof Lars Jensen.

2006 - Research associate: Intercultural Studies Research Group at the Department of Communication and Arts, Roskilde University (Denmark) []