Friends of the BN/S Library - AUTHORS

Under the direction of Boaventura de Sousa Santos since its foundation, the Centre for Social Studies is a scientific institution focused on research within the Social Sciences.

Biblioteca Norte/Sul - B N/S (North/South Library) aims to create a comprehensive, reliable, and authoritative bibliographic collection  – especially but not exclusively comprising of books and periodical publications resulting from scientific production in the global South, in the area of the Social and Human Sciences. It further includes scientific production in the countries of the North on subjects pertaining to the countries of the South. The B N/S had its inception in 1998 and, currently, is undergoing a period of collections' growth, comprising a wide variety of subjects.

The implementation of the project Autores Amigos da Biblioteca Norte/Sul (Friends of the N/S Library) envisions the development of some of the thematic areas referred to through the solicitation and selection of gifts.

Thus, by donating a copy of their books, authors will be honored as follows:

  • Their name will be listed in the “friends of BN/S – Authors” directory;
  • Offered titles will be disclosed on the BN/S webpage, at;
  • A newsletter with CES and BNS new materials will be sent to donors by email;
  • A personal letter asking for suggestions on new purchases and/or feedback for further improving the library performance and the dialogue between authors and readers will be sent;
  • If you are interested in being a donor, please send us an email with your name, address and email address, as well as the title of the work you intend to donate to

Soon after we will contact you to finalize your offer process. *

**In case gifted works do not meet BNS’s thematic requirements under the bibliographical selection policy, these will be sent (with the author’s consent) to other most appropriate institutions.

We thank you beforehand for your attention and place ourselves at your disposal.

Best regards,

The Centre for Social Studies Direction & Librarians