InovaJuntos <br>Triangular Urban Cooperation for Innovation and Sustainability

Triangular Urban Cooperation for Innovation and Sustainability

May 1, 2020 to November 30, 2024
55 months

INOVAJUNTOS project aims to strengthen integrated urban development through partnerships between Brazilian, Portuguese and Latin American cities and public-private innovation according to four thematic clusters:

a) economic development;
b) regional development and partnerships;
c) green cities and climate change, and;
d) inclusive spaces for cultural and social innovation.

It also stands out for following the global trends in society and the economy, by proposing to promote three themes that expand on the economic and environmental agendas: innovation, sustainability and collaboration between sectors.


This project is funded by the European Commission under the European Union's External Action Support Program [CSO-LA/2019/408-982].


Confederação Nacional de Municípios, Brasil - Instituição Coordenadora.

Alfredo Ramos
Giovanni Allegretti
Marco Meloni
Nelson Dias
Priscila Delgado de Carvalho
Sheila Holz
Sinara Sandri
Funding Entity
European Commission