Emanuele Fabiano


Emanuele Fabiano holds a PhD in anthropology and ethnology from the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (EHESS) in Paris. Currently, he is a member of the ECO project. He is also a member of the Laboratory of Social Anthropology (LAS), of the "Contemporary Indigenous Amazonian Research Group: Interethnic Relations, Languages and History" of the Riva-Agüero Institute of the PUCP, and of the "Amazonian Anthropology Group" (GAA-PUCP). In his research, he has analyzed the techniques of construction of the person (human and non-human) and their implications in the processes of social reproduction among the Urarina of the Peruvian Amazon. He has investigated the anthropological, political and social effects of extractivist processes and their implications at the ritual and cosmological levels.

Latest Publications

Article in Scientific journal

Fabiano, Emanuele (2023), "Cidades-estado arbóreas: fitopolíticas da guerra no imaginário urbano urarina", Cadernos de Campo, 32, 2, e218075

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Martín Brañas, Manuel; Fabiano, Emanuele; del Castillo Torres, Dennis (2023), Donde habitan los neba naturaleza, cultura e impactos ambientales en los territorios del Pueblo Urarina. Lima: IIAP

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Book Chapter

Fabiano, Emanuele; Artzi, Bat-ami (2023), Epistemología del cuerpo: la orina en el mundo andino y amazónico, in Pablo Quintanilla, Clark Barrett, Michael L. Cepek, Emanuele Fabiano y Edouard Machery (org.), Epistemologías andinas y amazónicas. Conceptos indígenas de conocimiento, sabiduría y comprensión. Lima: Fondo Editorial PUCP, 391-438