Margarida Calafate Ribeiro


Margarida Calafate Ribeiro is a researcher-coordinator at the Centre for Social Studies, University of Coimbra, coordinator of the research line Europe and the Global South: legacies and dialogues (with Paula Meneses and Miguel Cardina) and coordinator of the Trauma Observatory (with Luísa Sales and Inês Nascimento Rodrigues). She holds a PhD in Portuguese Studies from King's College, University of London (2001), a master from Universidade Nova de Lisboa and a BA from the University of Aveiro. She is a lecturer and coordinator of the PhD programme Postcolonialisms and Global Citizenship (CES/ FEUC) (with Patrícia Branco and José Manuel Mendes) at the University of Coimbra. With Roberto Vecchi she is responsible for the Eduardo Lourenço Chair, Camões / University of Bologna. She is Research Fellow da Faculty of Modern and Medieval Languages, Universidade de Oxford. She is a member of the scientific committee of the research laboratory "LABEX - Les passés dans le présent", University of Paris Nanterre, and of the Scientific Editorial Scientific Committee of the Secretariat of State for Communities / National Press Casa da Moeda and of the Commission for the Commemorations of the Centenary of Eduardo Lourenço. In 2015 she received a grant from the European Research Council (ERC), with the research project "MEMOIRS - Children of Empire and European Post-Memories", which she coordinated at the Centre for Social Studies of the University of Coimbra. She is currently coordinator of the FCT project, "MAPS - Post- European Memories. European Memories: A Post-Colonial Cartography". She is author, co-author and organiser of several books, book chapters, scientific articles and other writings.

Latest Publications

Book Chapter

Ribeiro, Margarida Calafate (2024), Lutas no feminino - Memória e Reconhecimento, in Ana Paula Tavares, Rosa, Fábio Silva, Marco Bucaioni (org.), Mulheres Africans em Trânsito - Homenagem a Alda Lara. Famalicão: Húmus, 187-205

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Book Chapter

Ribeiro, Margarida Calafate (2024), Unfinished Heritages: Artistic Portuguese Post-Memory Conversations about Dictatorship and Colonial Heritage, in Ana Gabriela Macedo; Margarida Esteves Pereira; Joana Filipa Passos; Márcia Cristina Oliveira (org.), Women, the Arts, and Dictatorship in the Portuguese-Speaking Context: Tensions, Disputes, and Post-Memory Heritage. Berlin: De Gruyter, 11-25 [in press]

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Article in Scientific journal

Ribeiro, Margarida Calafate (2023), "Eduardo Lourenço - um diálogo com Portugal", Seara Nova, Outono 2023, 1764

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