Advanced training

Ph. D. Project Supervisions

Ongoing - Ph. D. project co-supervision (with Doris Wieser and Júlia Garraio) of "Encontros e desencontros: a história, a memória e as mulheres nas vozes poéticas de escritoras angolanas pós-independência", by the author Peilin Yu .

Ongoing - Ph. D. project co-supervision (with Elsa Lechner) of "From Exclusion to Reception: Restart, Relocation and Resettlement of Refugees in Portugal (2015-2020)", by the author Allana Lacerda.

Post-Doctoral Projects Supervisions

01-11-2022 - project supervision of "Forms of Exceptionality in the Global South: The sovereign technique of the massacre", by the author Edwin Rubio Medina.

Ongoing - project co-supervision (with Sílvio Santos) of " ENGAGE - Promoção da igualde de género e justiça social através da comunicação de ciência social transmedia storytelling ", by the author Rita Alcaire.

Master Theses Supervisions

Ongoing - master project co-supervision (with António Horta Fernandes) of "Género e Violência. Violência Sexual em Cenários de Conflito Armado (co-orientação)", by the author Verónica Isabel Pedro Ferreira.

Ongoing - master project supervision of "Violência sexual provocada por militares em Operações de Paz da ONU O caso do Haiti", by the author Tatiana Ferrari.

Visiting Doctoral Students Projects Supervisions

2023 - project supervision of "Sumud Beyond the Imposed Settler Colonial borders: The Case of Burj Barajneh, Shatila and Ein-el Helweh Refugee Camps in Lebanon", by the author Rami Rmeileh.

31-12-2022 - project supervision of "Con bata de cola, pero cristiana y decente. Feminidades y estructura familiar jerarquizada en la cinematografía española (1939-1975).", by the author Irene Marina Pérez Méndez.

28-02-2019 - project supervision of "Derechos Humanos y Prostitución: Una visión crítica desde los Derechos Humanos a la regulación de la prostitución en España. El caso de Sevilla", by the author Rafael Barroso Pavía.