Aristides Sousa Mendes Award

Rui Feijó and Zélia Pereira distinguished

The 2022 edition of the Aristides de Sousa Mendes Prize was awarded, ex aequo, to Rui Feijó and Zélia Pereira, for the essay "Descolonizar não é abandonar, mas também não é ficar. A turbulenta descolonização do Timor Português, 1974-1975" [Decolonizing is not abandoning, but neither is it staying. The turbulent decolonization of the Portuguese Timor, 1974-1975]. This work was developed by these CES researchers within the scope of the project "ADETIL - A Autodeterminação de Timor-Leste: um estudo de História Transnacional" [The self-determination of East Timor: a study of Transnational History].

Established in 1995 by the Association of Portuguese Diplomats (ASDP), the Aristides Sousa Mendes Prize aims to encourage the appearance of works and studies in the field of Diplomacy, Portuguese Diplomatic History and Portuguese Foreign Policy, and to distinguish the best research work presented on a historical or current international theme relevant to these areas.