Multidisciplinary research network of the Fundamental Rights Agency of the European Union (2022-2026)
The European Fundamental Rights Agency (FRA) coordinates the network FRANET, that integrates contractors in each EU Member State. In Portugal, CES is FRANET's national contractor for the period 2022-2026. As such, CES, through its Permanent Observatory for Justice, is responsible for providing objective, reliable and comparable data, which FRA can then use to produce comparative analysis on a European scale.
The analyses to be carried out are very diverse and focus on themes such as Islamophobia; access to criminal justice for victims of crimes against persons; discrimination at work based on disability and age; measures against employers of illegally staying third-country nationals; long-term residence permits; fight against terrorism and the impact on fundamental rights; application of the right to the presumption of innocence in criminal proceedings and the implications for the fundamental rights of the people involved; institutional context for the activities of organized civil society, implementation of data protection policies, among others. In addition to these topics, the analyses included in the FRA's annual reports (Fundamental Rights Report) on the application of the Charter of Fundamental Rights, equality and non-discrimination, racism and xenophobia, the rights of Roma people, migration and asylum, data protection, children's rights, access to justice and the rights of people with disabilities.
The studies will be translated into reports of different nature, complexity and size, in accordance with the requests of FRA. A substantial part of the reports are published officially by FRA.